Thursday, April 5, 2012

April 5, 2012: Opening Day

So it begins today—another season of baseball for the Chicago Cubs. And judging from a look at the lineup, it isn’t going to be pretty.
Unfortunately, I’m no stranger to the stumbling and bumbling of the Cubs. In 2004, I wrote a book about them, Wrigley Blues. It was a year-in-the-life type of tome, a chronicle of the 2004 season that aimed to get at the heart of Cubdom. Unlike this year, expectations were high for the Cubs in ’04—Sports Illustrated even picked them to win the World Series. Obviously, that didn’t happen. It never does.
At any rate, in honor of today, I’m sharing a chapter from my book that depicts the home opener back in ’04: “Opening Day.” After reading it, feel free to cry in your beer.